The World of SG-7

The SG Team

    In the seven years of the Stargate program's offworld operations, a basic yet highly successful SOP has been developed. Small units of four-to-eight personnel - usually officers, but including some NCO and civilian specialists - embark on missions through the Stargate. These teams include exploratory and expeditionary units, dedicated combat teams, medical personnel, diplomats and engineers, all well equipped for their role. SG-7 were originally designated a general contact unit, but in 2004 were reassigned to a specialist mission: To seek out and analyse evidence of pre-Ancient cultures; identify and neutralise any possible threat to Earth posed by the remnants of said cultures.

The Behemoth Protocols

    These are the standing orders governing the SOP for Elder Threat assessments. There are four alert levels defined by  the protocols.

  1. Code Nod (Investigation of suspected Elder influence): If a MALP or UAV survey reveals possible evidence of a past or current Elder presence, SG-7 is automatically assigned as the reconnaissance team. No reconnaissance will proceed until SG-7 are available.
  2. Code Dundayin (General quarantine of suspected Elder influence): Any site deemed to have a possible pre-Ancient presence is immediately quarantined pending investigation by SG-7. Personnel exposed to the presence are recalled immediately and must be evaluated by a physician and psychologist from the Behemoth Register before being returned to active duty.
  3. Code Behemoth (Confirmed Elder presence): If the past or present influence of an Elder presence is confirmed or communication with a team calling in a Code Dundayin is interrupted, a Code Behemoth is initiated. Following the first encounter with The Scourge, all exposed personnel are routed to the Delta Site for quarantine pending evaluation and SG-7 are assigned to investigate under level Omega protection.
  4. Code Enoch (Elder presence at SGC facility): If an existing SGC facility is compromised by a possible Elder agency, the facility is quarantined and SG-7 assigned to investigate. A Behemoth Registered physician and psychologist will also be assigned to the investigation.

    The Behemoth Register is a list of personnel cleared for full access to Behemoth material and considered qualified to deal with a Behemoth alert in some capacity.

Offworld Resources

Alpha Site (The Village)

Beta Site (Test Bed)

    If the Alpha Site is almost a second SGC, then the Beta Site - codenamed Test Bed - is an offworld version of Area-51. It is a sprawling complex, used for the examining of offworld technology and certain R&D projects.

Gamma Site (The Lake)

    The Gamma Site is a large research facility located on Shayara, a world which the Goa'uld fear to approach due to its bloody part in their history. The Shay are remembered as the God-Hunters for their vicious crusade against the Goa'uld, and the memory of them still causes nightmares among the System Lords. In addition, it is beginning to become apparent that the Shay also encountered the Elder Threat during their days as explorers.

    Unlike other offworld facilities, the Gamma Site is home to several dozen members of the International Extraterrestrial Research and Evaluation Group, working on various space flight, power generation and technological assessment programmes.

Delta Site (The Animal House)

    Secreted in a deep cave system on P4R-194, the SGC Delta Site is usually unmanned and all-but undetectable. It's role is as a biohazard containment facility for the study of potentially dangerous artefacts and the quarantine of teams who may have been exposed to alien pathogens. The site has no full time staff, with researchers and medics being assigned as needed for particular projects and crises.